“Courage isn’t absent of fear, it is the awareness that something else is important.””
– Stephen R. Covey
Understanding ethics: personality vs. character
Personality Ethics focus on outward appearance, including public image and attitude. However, these can seem insincere if not backed by genuine character traits.
Character Ethics are the core foundations of an individual’s integrity, humility, and courage. These intrinsic qualities form the bedrock of true greatness.
Prioritize developing Character Ethics to naturally enhance your Personality Ethics.
Remember, genuine ethical behavior requires dedication and consistency—there are no shortcuts.
Be proactive: influence over concern
Focus on your Circle of Influence: things you can control like your attitude, skills, and enthusiasm.
Avoid getting caught up in your Circle of Concern, which includes factors beyond your control such as politics or the weather.
Proactive people take responsibility for their own actions and outcomes, directing their energy towards areas they can affect.
As the saying goes, “You either act or you’re acted upon.” Choose to act and shape your own path.
The funeral test: reflecting on your legacy
Picture yourself at a funeral and realize the service is for you. Three people will speak about you: a family member, your best friend, and an office colleague.
Consider what you hope each would say about your role as a spouse, parent, friend, and coworker.
Are their words aligning with how you currently live and interact with them?
Use this scenario to assess whether your daily actions reflect the values and impact you wish to have, ensuring you are living a life true to your desired legacy.
Begin with the end in mind
Envision where you want to be in 5, 10, and 15 years. Detail your goals, aspirations, and the legacy you wish to leave.
Identify your WHY—the core reason behind your aspirations. This clarity will guide your decisions and actions.
Craft a Personal Mission Statement to keep your vision clear and remind yourself that ‘Anything can be possible!’
This statement will serve as a roadmap to achieving your dreams.
Put first things first
Ask yourself, “What is the most important thing in this moment?”
Prioritize tasks that truly matter:
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