Chapter 1
Reflecting and planning ahead

“Know thyself.”

– Socrates

Engage in metacognition: thinking about thinking

Delve into your thought processes to understand how you make decisions.

Metacognition enhances self-awareness, allowing you to identify cognitive biases and improve future choices.

After making a significant decision, analyze the reasoning behind your choice and consider alternative perspectives.

Utilize the Wheel of Life Assessment

Evaluate different areas of your life — such as health, career, relationships — to identify imbalances.

This holistic approach helps prioritize areas needing attention.

Rate your satisfaction in each life domain on a scale of 1-10 and focus on improving the lowest-scoring areas.

Practice mindfulness meditation

Cultivate present-moment awareness to reduce mental clutter and enhance clarity.

Spend 10 minutes daily observing your breath and acknowledging thoughts without judgment.

Conduct a personal SWOT analysis

Assess your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats to strategize personal growth.

Identify a personal strength like adaptability and consider how to leverage it in new situations.

Explore journaling techniques like morning pages

Stream-of-consciousness writing clears the mind and uncovers subconscious thoughts.

Techniques like morning pages can spark creativity and self-discovery.

Write three pages of unfiltered thoughts each morning to unlock deeper insights.

Feel free to share with your colleagues

Give feedback, ask questions or request new resources