Chapter 1
Coping with change

“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.”

– Leo Tolstoy

Focus on What You Control

Understand that your effort and attitude are often the only things within your control.

Directing your energy towards things you can control, makes you far more effective.

Shape Your Impact

While you can influence others and situations, you can’t dictate outcomes.

Maximize your influence by exemplifying positive change.

Act as a role model and establish your own healthy limits.

Avoid attempting to change those unwilling to change themselves.

Identify your fears

Think about what you could do when failure happens.

Often, the worst outcome isn’t as tragic as imagined.

Realizing you can manage even the toughest situations allows you to focus your efforts more constructively.

Active Problem-Solving vs. Ruminating

Engage in problem-solving by seeking solutions to enhance success. Continue to brainstorm and implement strategies.

If you find yourself obsessing over potential disasters repeatedly, acknowledge this unproductive mindset and shift your thinking.

Manage Stress Effectively

Allocating time for stress management enhances your efficiency.

Key self-care activities include exercising, maintaining a balanced diet, and ensuring adequate sleep.

Additionally, avoid unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as excessive drinking or venting to others.

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